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From what we've come to know and understand, humanity's fulfillment's or dis-eases all have one common denominator. It is whether individuals are aligned or misaligned with the source of creation of each and every human and ALL THAT IS. When we say ALL THAT IS, we are speaking about everything in the Uni-verse (one song) that everything is interconnected through a field of energy in what physicists call the 'Unified Field', 'Consciousness' and 'Universal Wave Of Intelligence'. Every living organism including us, have a field of energy right down to the cells in our bodies that are interconnected with the Uni-versal field of energy. There are many other labels for the Uni-verse such as; Divine Intelligence, Creator, God, Infinite Intelligence, Source Energy, Mother Nature, Life, and so on. It makes no difference which label you use, they are all one and the same Source of Creation. This Source of Creation keeps the planets in orbit, created the sun to give life for all the living organisms, and manifests our daily intentions and desires, and our long term goals and dreams. The Universe, or one of the other labels you prefer to use, is to the core - pure unconditional love. It is infinite, eternal, and unlimited. Because we are interconnected with it or one with it, means we must be like it. Infinite eternal beings with unlimited potential. A creator of and with the Creator beginning with our thoughts and imagination, to our feelings and emotions, leading to our actions. Life truly is supernatural.
Essentially then, we are all one with each other and ALL THAT IS, and love is our authentic nature. This doesn't mean we have to go around hugging and kissing everyone and everything is sight. It simply means we have reverence and benevolence towards ourselves, each other, our planet Earth, and ALL THAT IS because of this Uni-verse of interconnection. We are all immigrants from this Source of Creation regardless of race, religion, borders, or countries of origin. When 'I' is replaced by 'We', even 'Illness' becomes 'Wellness'.
Any act of non-love or misalignment rather, such as manipulation, scheming, judgement, criticism, jealousy, self-loathing , bullying, bigotry, greed, violence, exploiting our planet Earth, and so on, are all a misalignment or disharmony from our Source of Creation with is pure unconditional love. No one is born a bad person, they are uneducated about who they are in relation to life and conditioned to believe we are separate beings. This conditioning of separateness is also know as EGO. As my mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer would have said, "EGO is the acronym for Edging God Out." It is rarely intentional, however from traumatic experiences or conditioned or programmed in the subconscious. The ego doesn't recognize purpose, by looking outward and not inward and rarely finding fulfillment.
So what is Heart Solution Evolution?
Your life will have flow when you ignore the ego and follow your heart, and trust your intuition. They are your guidance system connected to our Source of Creation and we are to be aligned with it. The heart is surrounded by a bio-electromagnetic field entangled with the earths geo-electromagnetic field, and the Unified Field surrounding us and throughout the entire cosmos. To follow your heart and intuition is to follow the voice of God the Uni-verse. To live a life of fulfillment and purpose which is our birthright. This is a solution to the dis-eases and misalignment's we see and experience in our daily lives. To always do what love would do in any decision, circumstance, thought, or action, for the sum of all minds and hearts in the uni-verse is ONE. Our mission, Heart Solution Evolution is based on this truth to educate and inspire others. We need to BE the change we want to see in our own lives, humanity, and in healing our planet Earth.
I am a husband, and a father of two. I have spent twenty-six years of my working life as a carpenter specializing in custom finishing; carrying forth this attention to detail into the studies of who we really are in relation to life, each other, and the world in which we live. After publishing my first book, If The World Only Knew - It's Time to Wake Up and Heal, I knew the next step was inevitable. Through authors and mentors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, I learned of the HeartMath® Institute and their training programs. I knew in my own heart that becoming a licensed trainer and facilitator was the next step in helping others to learn, heal, grow, and evolve, from an understanding of our heart's sovereignty and interconnection. My wife Jane and I also own and operate a full-service travel agency, At Your Beck and Call , specializing in group tours, and ocean and river cruising. As a corporate and organizational HeartMath trainer and facilitator, myself, along with my wife Jane are working towards heart-centered team building tours around the world.
~Jason T. Beck
Copyright © 2025 Jason T. Beck - All Rights Reserved.
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