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Practical Intuition:
Access your inner GPS and unfold creative solutions and ideas. All great creations were preceded by our innate connection to higher and infinite intelligence.
The heart is our infinite wisdom. The heart knows us better than our egoic mind ever will. Following our hearts guidance will lead us to purpose and meaning personally, professionally, spiritually, and in all aspects of living.
Constant energy expenditures without the balance of adequate rest and recovery can lead to diminished resilience - causing stress, burnout, and health challenges.
When we are heart coherent, the Thalamus in the brain is stimulated for Cortical Facilitation. This is where inventions, new innovations, and designs are conceived.
When we are heart coherent, and our Autonomic Nervous System(ANS) is regulated, we work better as a team, energetically communicate positively, add more value, and produce better results.
When our heart and mind are aligned more coherently, the systems in our body, such as immune, nervous, cardiovascular, brain, and hormonal, are working together harmoniously.
The Resilience Advantage™ coaching I offer is cultivated by the latest in science and research in neurocardiology. I help people maintain optimal emotional intelligence, brain function, intuitive guidance, energetic communication, appreciation for self and others, and a deeper connection with nature and our biodiversity- breeding heart-centered living. The tools and techniques we use facilitate a coherent heart-rate variability (HRV) and rhythm, and a coherent regulated autonomic nervous system (ANS) to optimize our entire physiology. With practice of the techniques and creating a new state of being, a baseline of resilience and coherence – habituating positive and renewing emotions such as gratitude, appreciation and love, the vitality hormone DHEA is increased. Renewing emotions boost energy, reducing aging. Our HRV and rhythm is coherent, affecting our ANS and every cell in our body, and stimulates the thalamus in the brain for Cortical Facilitation – optimal intuitive guidance, creativity and better decision making. I can help people in group settings cope better in these fast-moving complex times, and live better through deep and meaningful life changes.
Copyright © 2025 Jason T. Beck - All Rights Reserved.
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